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Ian Knox

Ian Knox results

Two of Australia’s largest funds name new CIOs

Australia’s Future Fund has named Sue Brake to take on the role of acting Chief Investment Officer at the $205 billion sovereign wealth fund. The fund promoted its former CIO, Raphael Arndt, to the role of Chief Executive Officer. Arndt has served as the Future Fund’s CIO since 2014, delivering exceptional returns, having joined in 2008.

Ian Knox | 6th Jul 2020 | More
6 benchmark busters; AU vs. US

It has been one volatile year to say the least. Both the Australian and US markets traded in volatile conditions with many asset classes and more importantly sectors delivering poor returns. From rising geopolitical trade tensions between the USA and China to an unprecedented pandemic that spread over multiple countries and brought the global economy to its knees, investors were dealt an unpredictable hand.

Ian Knox | 6th Jul 2020 | More
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