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Nicholas Way

Nicholas Way is editor of The Golden Times and has covered business, retirement, politics, human resources and personal investment over a 50-year career.

Nicholas Way is editor of The Golden Times and has covered business, retirement, politics, human resources and personal investment over a 50-year career.

Nicholas Way results

Growing economic woes don’t bode well for retiree cost-of-living relief

When Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers hands down the budget on 14 May, the pressing need for fiscal responsibility is likely to trump spending programs.

Nicholas Way | 1st May 2024 | More
The naked truth about fake news and how to recognise it

In an era of fake news, it’s getting more difficult to separate fact from fiction. Yet it’s imperative we do so because the consequences for being deceived can be enormous.

Nicholas Way | 1st May 2024 | More
Apartment or house: Which offers the better lifestyle for retirees?

It was 17th century English jurist Sir Edward Coke who said every man’s house is his castle. For a growing number of retirees, the apartment is their castle, offering security and community.

Nicholas Way | 1st May 2024 | More
Vale Henri Aram: A financial adviser who left an enduring legacy  

Henri Aram made an indelible mark on the advice industry by putting retail clients front and centre. Just ask former NAB chairman Michael Chaney.

Nicholas Way | 1st May 2024 | More
Risk of an ageing population overstated: Mercer

Mercer actuary David Knox says the data used to determine the old age dependency ratio is “totally out of date” and overstates the severity of the problem.

Nicholas Way | 23rd Apr 2024 | More
  • Six great books to help you overcome the anxiety of retirement

    Ending your working life and starting retirement can be stressful. To help you adjust to a completely new way of life, The Golden Times suggests these titles are well worth a read.

    Nicholas Way | 23rd Apr 2024 | More
    Five of the best films about senior citizens

    It can be hard to find good films starring older actors and about retirees. But it’s worth the reward when you find them. Here are five of the best to get you started.

    Nicholas Way | 17th Apr 2024 | More
    Understanding the ‘Misunderstood Middle’

    Researcher Capital Preferences says super funds fail to appreciate the tension many retirees experience between their needs in their golden years and the size of their nest eggs.

    Nicholas Way | 17th Apr 2024 | More
    How to take a sober approach to drinking

    Convivial drinking with friends is one of life’s pleasures in retirement. But it’s important to do so moderately as your capacity for alcohol diminishes with age.

    Nicholas Way | 17th Apr 2024 | More
    More women in the workforce pushing up average retirement age: KPMG

    A KPMG report finds Government policies to promote gender equality are having an impact, with one consequence being the rising participation of women in the workplace delaying the retirement age.

    Nicholas Way | 17th Apr 2024 | More
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