Younger Australians expect to retire earlier, and earn more in retirement, than older generations even as they redefine the traditional path to retirement by taking more career breaks, new Vanguard research shows – and these ambitious expectations may not be “aligning to reality”.
Sustainable investing requires a balancing act when it comes to retail behemoths like Coles and Woolworths, which can have positive ESG policies while selling products with the potential to do harm. According to Australian Ethical, investors should assess these companies with nuance and a measure of compromise.
The current economic cycle is too changeable to set any portfolio to autopilot, according to Mason Stevens’ Jacqueline Fernley. Counterpoints to conviction are needed, and the devil’s advocate should be your friend.
The ethical money manager says Lendlease failed to provide information required to independently assess the impact of its planned development in Mount Gilead, an area deemed critical to the survival of a resident koala colony.
“Gradually, and then suddenly”, the old Hemingway quote goes. The same could be said for corporate earnings, which Ruffer’s Jasmine Yeo believes are in danger of taking a sharp southerly turn.
The hits keep coming for the country’s primary stock exchange, which is now under investigation by the corporate regulator for its oversight of the doomed upgrade to its clearing system.
Many supply chain issues have been alleviated in the last year as restrictions eased in the wake of the pandemic, said Alceon’s Phil Green, but labour remains a sticking point.
The US Federal Reserve may have guaranteed deposits at the failed bank, but its collapse constitutes a major scare for private equity managers with outsized technology exposure and is creating stress points in finance systems the world over.
Market neutral strategies should be not only used as lever for investors that want an on-call safety valve for volatility, but retained as a strategic holding to drive portfolio performance throughout market seasonality, according to Yarra Capital Management’s Andrew Smith.
The shift to healthy longer term deposits has begun, and while Australian equities still dominate SMSF portfolios, the way they access them is changing.