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Beyond super: A guide to navigating retirement income

Superannuation is a big part of most Australians’ retirement strategies, but many also choose to augment their savings with other income-producing investments. Here’s a look at how these options can help retirees maintain their preferred lifestyle and protect against risk.

Staff Writer | 15th Nov 2023 | More
Super tax breaks save taxpayers more than they cost: Mercer

Criticism that superannuation tax concessions are costing the government more than the Age Pension is disingenuous and based on bad analysis, Mercer said in a new report finding super concessions actually save taxpayers in the long run.

Lisa Uhlman | 25th Aug 2023 | More
Lifetime annuities making a comeback

Challenger Financial Group (ASX: CGF) reported $842 million in Australian equity sales in the first quarter of the 2020-21 financial year, this represented 35 per cent growth on 2019 levels. The standout though, was a doubling in lifetime annuity sales to $208 million as investors returned to an asset class that was last popular in…

Drew Meredith | 27th Jan 2021 | More
  • A closer look at the Federal Budget

    The Federal Government delivered it’s delayed but much needed annual Budget last week. The conclusion: massive deficits, tax cuts and a boon for businesses large and small. Whilst positive, there was little in the way of support for the businesses most impacted by forced Government shutdowns, being tourism, travel and education, with the Budget effectively…

    Drew Meredith | 14th Oct 2020 | More
    Looking for a senior’s discount?

    The pandemic has been devastating to everyone around the world, but among those hardest-hit have been self-funded retirees. The combination of dividend cuts and near-zero interest rates is forcing more Australians to eat into their capital, as they deal with higher prices for everything from food and water to basic services. The 50 per cent…

    Drew Meredith | 7th Oct 2020 | More
    Restore tax in the super pension phase

    The government’s retirement income review is being told our current tax and benefit treatment of retirement incomes is a mess.

    Kevin Davis | 26th Feb 2020 | More
  • We’re delaying major life events and our retirement income system hasn’t caught up

    Asked to conduct an independent review of Australia’s retirement income system, the panel appointed by treasurer Josh Frydenberg reported on Friday that it was all tied up with the family home.

    Rafal Chomik | 26th Nov 2019 | More
    Getting the SG settings right

    Variations in personal circumstances show that a uniform rate of SG cannot be effective in targeting adequacy for all. However, we must choose a suitable rate – one that provides adequacy for most while not being excessively generous to too many.

    Michael Bonarius | 11th Jun 2019 | More